13 Nov 1987

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7 Princesses
Ah Ting

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Monday, January 22, 2007

FOC garang guni / ndp 2007 audition

had to wake up when the rest of the world was still sleeping today in order to be on time for the FOC Garang Guni event at Clementi. though reluctant but i still pulled myself out from under the blankets...

Mel messaged me saying that she have reached the MRT when i was just about to leave my house!!! but then it was still 20 minutes before the time we had arranged to meet! end up i walked very fast to the 72 bus stop. luckily the bus came on time and i reached the MRT bus stop at 3 minutes to 07:30. by the time i step into the vicinity of the control station, i was just on time (according to the universal time). however Mel kept insisting that her time says 07:33 which means that i was late.

why is it that whenever i go out with my friends, our time doesn't seem to tally? every one of us will always have a watch or clock that tells the time a few minutes faster or slower. since this happens so often, the next time I'm late, i can adjust my time that tells me I'm not late.

anyway when we reached Clementi, there was like so few people that we can recognize. so few like only 2? and we was not even absolutely sure if there were really from hall. saw Darren then Jun Zhong. after which i decided to go get something for my empty stomach. after which subsequently we saw a few more familiar hall people going pass us with their food.

those in hall got to sit in Nick's lorry to Clementi. but some got the back of their shirt stained with rust or dust I'm not sure. anyway briefings took very long to start.

my group got Natasha (GL) , Alex, Chin Teck, Woon Tong, Wei Ming and me. the first 2 blocks we cleared Woon Tong has already got 2 sets of TV, a VCD player, hair dryer and an electric kettle. however the uncle didn't accept the 2 TVs which made us quite demoralized. lucky the uncle wanted the fan i got from a fierce young man.

even though they had warned of dogs beforehand, but when i knocked on my first door with dogs on the other side of the door, i jumped when the dog barked. so i thought : okay it's alright, cool it and try and ring the doorbell next door. and then another dog started barking too. the 2 dogs rally bark for some time. a wonder no one came to open the door though.

then there was a very scary old woman at the corner of the top floors in one one of the blocks. her door was opened, but the house looked very empty. it lacked the basic furnitures that other houses have. here is how it happened :
Chin Teck : 有没有久报子
an auntie head pop out to look, disappear then s-i-l-e-n-c-e... and then all of a sudden me, Chin Teck and Woon Tong we heard auntie shout very loud...
Auntie : 没有啦!
so the 3 of us jumped then hurried away...

another house was scarier. this time only me and Chin Teck. we were walking past a unit when i noticed they had 3 animal skull left out to dry in the sun. we don't know what animal it was but it definitely died horribly. there was flies and the person had used nylon string going through the eye hole of the skulls to tie them together. then each skull had this horn thing that makes them look very intimidating. the worst thing was they were emitting a stench.

after that had to leave early for NDP audition at Tampines, so i did not stay behind to wait for the lorry to come and clear our loot before the group have their lunch.

by the time i reached Tampines the opposite end of Singapore, there was not enough time for me to have a proper lunch. so all i could grab and force myself to eat was a bread. then AhTingJie grab the new cherry freeze from Mac before we go and wait for the bus to come.

when we reached there, we were told we would only be put on the reserve list even if we pass the audition. damn if i had known... i came all the way from the other end of Singapore. i think they never pass the message properly. then AhTingJie was so angry. she go anyhow show other people black face make me so embarrassed. we filled up the forms anyway, took our body measurement and stuffs before proceeding to audition room. inside, they showed us 4 counts of 8 and see if we are able to perform them. i sort of screw mine up but i still think i did okay.

damn tired on the journey home. however dinner we had at Hougang Mall's Soup Restaurant (三盅两件)which have really nice food. i loved the fried vermicelli. then the tofu was also very nice. the sweet potato leaves (番薯叶) especially. the olive rice also not bad, a pity today cook until a bit too dry. mummy say the last time they eat it wasn't that dry. then the chicken also good, but AhTingJie say got another one eat with lettuce one even better. it's their specialty dish. too bad no chance try. maybe another time!

then just when i was about to leave to meet ZiJian, mummy say want to meet him. so i asked him come up although he was already waiting for me at the MRT. that was a great obstacle. really feel better now that i no need to lie anymore.

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misszhuzhu | 1:19 PM